Rochdale Old Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 7SD

0161 764 1559

Fairfield Community Primary School

Happiness and High Standards

Online Learning Tools at Fairfield CP School


We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed, including when they are unable to attend school in person.  If required, children would access the online learning platforms they usually would access as part of their schooling - Purple Mash, EdShed and TT Rockstars - using their individual logins for these platforms.  


Our Online Learning Tools will necessarily change in line with changing events, technologies and methodologies and as such will be regularly revised. Any changes will be communicated using our regular communication channels.


Access to our Online Learning Tools operates in conjunction with the following school policies:  Online safety, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.  For further information regarding these policies, please visit the Policies page on our school website.  


Remote education

Remote education will only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible, but pupils are able to continue learning.  This might be the case when:

  • there is a school closures or restrictions on attendance, where school access for pupils is restricted

  • individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able to learn

Where pupils have access to appropriate devices, remote education might include recorded sessions as well as time for pupils to complete tasks, reading, and assignments independently, depending on their age and stage of development.  Online high quality lessons developed by external providers such as Oak National Academy will be provided instead of school led video content.

Further information about remote education and the DFE non statutory guidance can be found here Providing remote education: guidance for schools - GOV.UK