Rochdale Old Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 7SD

0161 764 1559

Fairfield Community Primary School

Happiness and High Standards

2024 - 2025

Jaguars Year 2

Welcome to Jaguars Class. On this page we will share the exciting things we learn about, the places we go and the events we take part in. Key information about the curriculum can also be found on the Curriculum Overview page. 

Teacher: Mrs Brown

Teaching Assistant: Miss Easey

School opens at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm.   

Please use the Playground Entrance.

P.E Days - Tuesday and Wednesday (plain black shorts or joggers, plain white T shirt, school jumper or cardigan, sensible trainers)

Outdoor Learning - Thursday (Autumn 1)

Homework - Times Table Rockstars (15 games), Spelling Shed (1 list - 10 games each), Maths Shed (Quiz) (1 quiz)

Reading books are changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 


Welcome to Year Two.

We are the genius JAGUARS!

Our class teacher is Mrs Brown and Miss Easey help us with our learning every day. We take great pride in our learning and we work extremely hard every day to achieve our very best. We have an exciting, action-packed curriculum which enables us to improve our Maths, English and Reading but also to become geographers, historians, artists, designers, musicians and scientists. Our school motto is “Happiness and High Standards” and we look forward to working in partnership with parents to ensure that every one of our children leaves us as a happy, well rounded, hardworking individual who strives to do their best in everything they do. We thank you for the invaluable support we know you will provide with this.


Jaguars Long Term Learning Plan 

Previous Learning in Year 2

We couldn't believe what we discovered on the playground. What could be inside? Where did it come from? How can we look after it? ...All will be revealed!

Jaguar’s Marvellous Medicine 

We have been reading ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. We have designed and made our own potions just like the one in the story.

Welcome to ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’

To launch our project we had a messy play afternoon! We played with sand, jelly, gloop, cereal, play dough, foam, bubbles, pasta, magic snow and soil. 
We made lots of mess and had lots of fun, look at our happy faces! 

Mystery Man...

To launch our 'Movers and Shakers' project we hunted high and low around the school grounds to find clues and

discover which local historically significant person we would be learning about. 

They were born in Bury. This person was Prime Minister Twice.  He founded the police force. There are monuments of this person in several different cities including London and Bury.

Have you guessed it?

It was...Sir Robert Peel!